Sunday, April 14, 2013


The bird cage is a metaphor for keeping things locked in or hidden.  In this case it is homosexuality. People cannot hide who they are even if they tried. Again, identity is another reoccurring theme in the movies we have seen. Identify is so important because that is who you are and no one can change that. A gay person is part of who someone is and that cannot be changed. That is part of their identity. Being gay is a huge thing here in America. People don’t hide their identities anymore because it is becoming more widely accepted.

One thing I noticed was what the camera showed. There was not a lot of different setting to this film and that got me thinking.  Maybe the limited amount of settings reflects how limited things are or how limited mindset of some the characters?  My guess is that is show how homosexuality is only accepted in a small view and not widely.  Another thing I noticed was the characters names. They don’t really fit the characters and in past films we all know how important names are to the characters. All of the gay men have manly names and all of the manly men have gay names. When I say gay I mean feminine.

Also cross dressing another theme. This is important to comedy because it is an exaggeration and it helps get a point across in a less harmful manner. Look at Flip Wilson. He was famous for his character Geraldine. Using that knowledge in this film not only makes it funny but also helps with the rhetoric that is being used.
The point of this film was not to change the gay culture community but to help those understand the birdcage. This is where people can go and fit in without being judged or feeling ashamed of their identity.   

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you make a connection between the characters and the type of shooting of the film and the argument of the film maker.
