Sunday, April 28, 2013

Where is Harvey Dent?!

Harvey, Harvey, Harvey Dent, oh excuse me I want to drive. Sorry I was talking about the wrong movie and wrong Harvey. I truly enjoyed this movie from it comical humor to the underlying message that I will address in a few. The first thing I want to talk about is the characters themselves. The first being Elwood P Dowd because well he is the main character. The first thing I want to point out is that he has a lot of cash. This money was not all originally his because he inherited it from I believe his mother? I believe that his mother gave him the money because she knew he would not squander it away. As we can see he has his routine with have at the bar but nothing more. Also one thing I realized is that he does not flash his cash around. This is a major sign of self-confidence. Which other people in this movie have a problem with. The second character I want to address is Elwood’s sister Veta Simmons. I can say she is as thin as a slice of cheese. She is only concerned with outward appearances and making other people happy. That is why she throws the party in the first place, she wants attention and to please other people. I feel on a deeper level she wants Elwood to be happy but her selfish societally driven mind can’t understand the meaning of Harvey. Myrtle Simmons is another piece of work too. She has zero self-confidence and needs a man in her life to define her. That is why she chose the only man to have to have the world’s cockiest ego.  She believes women have no power and need to know their place. For example can we name the most classic line in this movie? “Can I go and make you a sandwich?”  The last character I want to talk about is the Dr. Chumley. Now to analyze just his name; chum is fish food. I am an avid scuba diver and I have been chumming plenty of time in my life. Chum is a mixture of dead sea life and additives that attract fish. I believe this meaning plays directly into the character we know and see. When we first hear about him we can tell he is stuck up. The first thing we hear is that he dose not even see patients and he works at a mental facility. He is your typical high up doctor. He believes that he has it all together and no one person can tell him any different.

Now on to the point that makes Harvey well Harvey. I believe this more has that same theme as believing in Christmas and Santa Clause.  Imagine if all of the characters were in kid form. It would not matter one lick if Elwood had an imaginary friend, if anything it would be welcomed. I know the moral of the story is that you need to hold on to what is important and not let society corrupt your view and morals. If it takes a Pooka to do that then so be it. 


  1. I think that the point you make regarding the importance of not letting society corrupts our believes is important. However, I also think that the film intends to show the importance of accepting others.

  2. I am tempted to agree that the make me a sandwich line plays into traditional gender roles, but I think there's a bit more meaning behind it. She has a cook she could ask to make it, but instead she chooses to specifically make it herself. It could be considered a gift that she wants to make for him.
