Sunday, April 21, 2013

Le purple rose ....of your FACE!

This movie was a great deal of fun, from the intelligent humor to the outrageously creative visual/audio metaphors. This first thing I want to address is breaking the forth wall. This was a huge turning point in the movie and for us as the audience. In the film we see a tired life beaten woman. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Her husband is a monster that occasionally beats her. She can barely hold a job in these hard times.  Finally she is pretty much alone in this world. His she has her friend at the diner but how often does she go to her for help? In breaking the forth wall and Tom jumping of the screen she gets a complete turnaround. This takes her from the land of real life to the land of magic and wonder. Now this whole new world is not only presented to just her but us as well. When Tom jumped out of the screen I stood up out of my chair. This is what I feel the writers had in mind. This first 18 minutes of this movie was so real life that when magic and wonder appeared we were stunned and probably took a double take.
Visual and audio metaphors were abundant in this film. The visual metaphor I found was that of children and adults. When Tom came out of the screen his views on society and how it worked where like that of a child. For example when he went to the brothel he did not see the women as just toys or a tool. No, he saw them for who they really are. This is very important because I feel that children don’t of a judgment tool. Adults judge each other all the time. Life has hardened adults into machines that judge and only think of personal gain. This is where Gil comes in and shows us a perfect example on how adults only think of themselves. He played Cecilia from the beginning just to get Tom back on the screen. The audio metaphor was not as big as the visual one but it was still important. This happened when Tom and Cecilia hopped in the car and he thought it just started driving. She said this is real life cars don’t start without a key. I feel this was a comparison to experience. Life is full of trial and error. What do most of us do when we mess up, we learn from our mistakes. Thomas Edison was stated "I did not fail I found 2000 ways not to make a light bulb." Our tom in the movie was full of hope and wonder but zero on experience. Our world is built on what you know and how well you know it. Look at a college for example; all we do is trial and error. Why do we do this? For experience in a field we might want to enter into.
Please tell me I'm not the only one that laughed out loud when that old lady on screen said you wife is a Tub of GUTS!

1 comment:

  1. Nope, that one gets me every time. I'm glad you were surprised; that's why I didn't give many details about what happens.
