Monday, January 21, 2013

Depiction of a Hard Life Through Humor

The movie Modern Times was released in 1936 during the Great Depression in the United Sates. The film depicts the historical time by using humor. Many people during the Great Depression were out of work, lost their homes, and had no means of living. Unfortunately, poverty breeds crime. By not educating or proving work for the people, the government is resigning them to a life of crime and then punishes them for the crime they commit. The young woman in the film exemplifies this concept perfectly. She is not allowed to work and therefore has no money to purchase the basic necessities in life-food, shelter, and clothing. She has no way to live except by stealing and committing crimes. Charlie Chaplin's character suffers a similar fate. He gets laid off his job and sent to a mental hospital. After he is released, he happens to be in the wrong place and the wrong time and gets arrested. He is released, but cannot find a decent job. He and the young woman get together, but cannot afford a decent place to live in and have to steal to stay alive. When he finally finds a job at the factory, the workers go on strike and he is arrested again.

This movie depicts all of these tragedies by using Charlie Chaplin's physical humor and the slight impossibility of some events. Charlie Chaplin makes us all laugh because he uses his body, rather than his words, to create humor. Physical humor still exists today. Jim Carey is a modern actor that uses his face and body to make us laugh. Kramer from Seinfeld used physical humor as well. Every single time he walked in Jerry Seinfeld's door, everyone would laugh because he would spin around. Physical humor is universal because every person can understand it without needing to speak the same language.

Humor allows us to grasp what is given to us. We remember funny things more than we remember non humorous things. This movie wants us to experience the hardship of the times, but is using humor as the medium.


  1. I like your last couple of sentences when you say this movie wants us to experience hard times, but in a humorous way. I hope one day society could be more like that.

  2. "Humor allows us to grasp what is given to us. We remember funny things more than we remember non humorous things"
    i can totally agree with that sentence but the thing i think we remember the most is the scary stuff! luck there was none in this move
