Sunday, January 20, 2013

light of modern times Zach Pedroncelli

Light at the end of the tunnel, that what this movie is. Even by taking place during the depression this movie had no depressing qualities. Chaplin’s charismatic performance gives every scene a positive vibe filled with slap stick humor. From burglars to being in jail, humor is the plot of this movie not what takes place. From teasing the jail mate by taking the bread away from him repetitively to intentionally was trying to be put in jail shows the extent of overshadowing qualities. This movie was designed with one purpose, to get people to laugh. Laughing both at the stupid humor and at themselves in a way. When everyone shares a common experience of struggle and watches a character react to those instances in the way the characters in the movie do it gives them a new view of their life. From the mocking of the little house they both want together with a beat up shed looking house but seeing it in an optimistic sense. I think the most impressive quality in this movie was Chaplin and the other characters ability to show situations without words along with Chaplin’s impressive roller skating. Overall this movie is a symbol of optimism in a time of sadness.  

1 comment:

  1. i like the fact that you brought out the good in this movie. when i watched it i could see the anger and frustration of failure over and over aging. you made it look brighter than that.
