Sunday, January 27, 2013

#willsuccessspoilRockHunter #ihatehashtags

Will success spoil Rock Hunter? It did, and it takes you on an amazing ride to prove so! This movies starts off very interesting by breaking the forth wall. This is a term that is used when stage performers address the audience. They somehow include the audience in the play, by either interacting with them or at least addressing that they are there. Tony Randall starts off by making fun of 20th century fox and their catchy jingle. After that little first laugh you get, he addresses you personally. I found this very interesting because most movies tend to stay away from including the audience. He welcomes you and in a way settles you in to see a thriving comedy.
                The movie begins with a simple man (Rockwell Hunter) and his eagerness to attain success in the advertising business. He is an average Joe trying to make it in the tough world. Another thing caught my attention was that he started out in love. He fell in love with his secretary named Jenny Wells. This is an item you rarely see in movies because usually love can be a very gripping climax in a movie. But we all know if you start off in love you will eventually hit some juicy drama. Believe me when I say that the hilarious lite hearted drama is soon to follow. The start of this drama comes for a famous actress called Rita Marlowe. This actress is a superstar in need of a lover. Who can guess the man that just accidently falls into her lap?  Yup Rockwell Hunter, Rita first uses him to make an old boyfriend jealous. This was a win-win situation for the both of them. Rita got to make an old boyfriend jealous and Rockwell will use her to do a TV advertisement for his company.  But like any good comedy things became out of control. Rita starts to get feelings for Rockwell. This causes a fiasco with the press. Rockwell gets the name “Lover Doll” causing him to become an overnight sensation. At first this success is great. He is getting noticed at work as well as his face on magazines. Heck, he even gets the key to the executive bathroom. I know in our world you are thinking, “Executive bathroom, who really cares?” Believe this movie draws you in and makes you want that key.
                Then the success becomes too much.  His true love starts to slip away while Rita is trying to make him into this famous lover that he was not truly meant to be. But with all of this happening the manager of his company quits and he becomes top dog. Even getting his own bathroom!  But with all this success he is still missing something. Then it clicks inside his head, success is not how much money you make but the things you have in your life that are important to you. After all that mess, things begin to work out. Rita moves on to get her true lover and Rockwell moves on with Jenny to create a happy life together.
                This movie is great and can take you on an amazing and hilarious ride. It takes simple things like smoking a pipe or getting your own bathroom funny and meaningful. Also there is one part in the movie where Jenny and Rockwell are hugging behind a temper glass causing us to just see their silhouette. Rockwell is holding a pipe resembling a knife. I think this is a spoof on another older movie, maybe Physco. I am not sure though. Over all I would recommend this movie to anyone.  I truly enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog post truly simplifies this movie into a good easily understandable movie! I too really enjoyed how it brought simple things in life to become truly rewarding.
