Saturday, January 26, 2013

Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter

This film was awesome, it was clever and very well-done.  Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter by and starring Jayne Mansfield and Tony Randall was not overly dramatized and hit aspects that our still present to this day.  Rita Marlowe is a typical Hollywood star arrogant and egotistical.  Rockwell Hunter is a middle class worker who dreams of stardom and being very successful.  Rita's relationship is going array South, just like every other Hollywood relationship so she uses a scapegoat through Rock to make her jealous.  Rock starts getting his shot in the limelight, although he doesn't realize that Rita has no concern or care for Rock whatsoever.  No care at all that Rock has a fiancee--Jenny.  Rock constantly finds himself in messy situations, and Rita always keeps her Hollywood glamor presence in every situation.

This film was very interesting to watch.  I am really glad I got the chance to view this film.  It has a lot of satire an criticism.  A lot like the first movie, we saw last week, many of the criticisms in this film are still relative to time today.  Hollywood stars think they are the superior person in any situation and can run over anyone in their paths.  This film is constructed very simply but still hits different criticisms.  For example, Rock Hunter's niece is so overly indulged in every move Rita Marlowe makes.  To this day, people in this world strive to be so much like celebrities and they just get hurt along the way.  I love the metaphor of "happiness" in this film.  In Rock's case he finds happiness and what he has been yearning for within a day.  I believe happiness isn't being the most wealthy, I believe happiness comes from working hard and loving your friends and family.  If Rock strove to become a better worker at his company maybe he would have been more happy.  In Rita's case she is unhappy with the relationship she is in and she tries to be happy by making her boyfriend jealous.  If only happiness can be that easy...but I believe true happiness can be easy to find.

All in all this film was totally worth the time, and I am looking forward to viewing more old films that still have an relative meaning on our lives today.


  1. I agree with you. I was not looking forward to watching the old films but as we get more into the class they are becoming more interesting. I can't wait to see what is in store for the test of the semester.

  2. I agree with you. I was not looking forward to watching the old films but as we get more into the class they are becoming more interesting. I can't wait to see what is in store for the test of the semester.

  3. You make a very good point about the relevance of the film's criticisms to today's society. It is funny to see that people have been making fun of actors and our obsession with them for over fifty years, yet society as a whole has not changed its ways.

  4. I totally understand when you say the jokes that they make can be referenced in today's world!
