Sunday, January 27, 2013

Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter

            Not really the kind of film I watch and wasn’t one that made me laugh like “Modern Times. It kind of felt to serious with the jokes, but overall a well-done film. Rock Hunter wants success and to be like the president of the company he works for. His point of view of the president is he has it all. His own restroom, huge office, and of course money. That is the success he wanted and got but was thrown into a different kind of success, overnight success.
            In this film we are watching to see if this sudden change into the spotlight will go to Hunter’s head. There was a lot of critical humor in this film about Hollywood. This type of humor can be funny or offensive to people, but the way this film presented it was humorous. The humor towards Hollywood was probably what most people think about it. That it is a glamorous life and the people living it are too pampered to know anything and don’t have to do anything. When Rita Marlowe is getting on a plane to go into seclusion with her dog and secretary, she is clueless about what she is doing and what the word seclusion means. Also, that when your in Hollywood you don’t have to do anything. When Marlowe and Hunter were in the car driving to the courthouse, she explains that the publicity is good for her since her acting is not that good. Even with little to show for Marlowe is famous and her success spoiled her.
            Being thrown into Hollywood and being a big hit all over is a success. “Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?” I think is referring to the overnight success of becoming Marlowe’s lover boy, will that success spoil him. It did not because that was not the success he was after. He kept saying this was all for the endorsement for his company. His main focus was his work and being a success there, which is why I think that the Hollywood success did not spoil him.

1 comment:

  1. Although I agree with a lot of what you are describing on your post, I think that the main idea of the film was to show how our image of success is perhaps not what we really wish for. Rock Hunter wanted to be the president of the company in the surface, but deep in his heart he wanted to be a chicken farmer.

    The film "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?" took us through the process that the character had to experience to realize what was really important for him to be truly successful. The movie intended to show that having money and fame does not equal happiness for everybody.
