Saturday, March 16, 2013

Idiocracy- Who Wants Starbucks?

Idiocracy…The main character is Joe Bauers. Joe becomes part of a confidential military experiment with a woman named Rita.  The two are frozen, to test if humans can be frozen for long periods of time. They are forgotten and the secret agency is bulldozed down. They are unfrozen in 2505 to find society has reproduced and made the most stupid breed of humans. Joe and Rita try to save the entire Earth from certain self-destruction.

         Idiocracy was the one of the most ridiculous films I have ever seen.  The film was a satire on future technology and society.  A main point being made, that if society continues to keep advancing and life keeps getting easier, everyone will become retarded. Although, one would think, as technology progresses human knowledge would progress as well.  Throughout the film various characters could not even operate the machines that made their life easy.   In addition, the film suggested people in our society should question their morals and values before they are completely gone. When Joe and Rita found themselves in the future, besides everyone behind stupid; they did not have any real morals.  They were always looking to satisfy themselves through sex and entertainment not worrying about who they were hurting in the process.  The director made this relation to modern day society apparent enough for the audience to evaluate their own lives.

         The legal system and political system in Idiocracy were hilarious. The representations poked fun at our modern day systems.  The courtroom is ruled by popular vote while the judge does not understand the lawful process of a case.  The defense has no idea what is going on and without really knowing, convicts his client. As the audience laughs, they arte actually laughing at a relatively close system we have today.  The President is also a character to be analyzed.  He claims to have power and be running the country.  He doesn’t do anything a president should be doing.  He doesn’t help the agriculture grow, rid the world of its garbage problem, or make good, informed economical decisions.  He just has tons of sex and enjoys the same entertainment society indulges in. This character criticizes our entire political system.   

         Who wants some big ass fries? Or some Fudruckers? ….Starbucks?


  1. I feel like the movie was also making fun of modern stereotypes. It portrays intelligent people as planning their pregnancies and only having a few kids, while non intelligent people have tons of kids because of their extreme focus on sex. So one of the reasons there are so many stupid people is that the dumb people are reproducing as quickly as rabbits. I think you've made a really good point about technology making people less intelligent.

  2. I believe that the world of Idiocracy may actually be what the future is like. I can't be the only one who has noticed that people, for the most part, are extremely stupid. I agree with your technology point, technology has made it so that we as a species are no longer challenged mentally and are content to live in this sense of ease, without a though or care in the world.
