Sunday, March 24, 2013

Never Been Thawed of Hypocrisy

My first impression of this film was that it reminded me of Best in Show and A Mighty Wind. These films were extremely close in film styles- they are all "mockumentaries" and they characters are introduced first without there being any plot introduced yet. Even throughout this film, the characters are more important than the plot. There actually is not a lot of plot in this film- everything that happens is not really shown; we only know about it because the characters talk about it in their “bios”.

There was a lot of subtle humor in this film. When they at first show the coffee store, they don’t mention that it is an anti-abortion store. I at first thought the title “No Choice” was a criticism on how Starbucks monopolized the coffee store industry. Society is so obsessed with Starbucks that there really isn’t a nation-wide option apart from it. If you want coffee, then you have “no choice” but to go to Starbucks. Also, there are a lot of subtle images around people’s houses and offices that describe their personality. Shelly’s office contains a lot of sexual jokes, but they are extremely subtle. The audience needs to pay attention in order to catch these jokes because Shelly never talks about them. A lot of this film contains elements in the backgrounds that the viewer might miss because none of the actors bring attention to it.

A main theme in this film was hypocrisy. Shelly seemed to be waiting to have sex with someone special, but she completely forgets her “vow of chastity” the moment she has to opportunity to have sex with Shawn. There are a lot of religious people I know that talk highly about their religious morals and virtues, but they truly don’t follow anything their religion truly says. Shawn says that he is extremely religious and starts a Christian Rock Band because he is so religious and needs to save people from statements. However, he cusses all the time and never seems to be religious at all. He actually has no morals at all- he uses Shelly because he can and picks up women on his religious prayer band tour. The most hypocritical people in the world are religious people because they claim to follow a set of morals given to them by a higher power, but they never do or they do so by break said morals and rules. The history of religion is written in blood- the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, etc. This movie shows this perfectly when it portrays the anti-abortion protestors. They claim that they are so religious and must save the unborn children because the unborn have a right to live and be loved. However, they verbally abuse people that walk by and tell them they are going to hell.

This film claimed to be about frozen food, but this was only a medium to express themes in this film, such as hypocrisy. This medium of frozen food reminds me of shows on television, such as Hoarding: Buried Alive and My Strange Addiction. People seem to collect things for attention. That’s why Shawn has a club for frozen food- he wants attention and he wants people to recognize him as an innovator. The frozen food medium is a front for attention and power. Shawn wants to feel powerful as a man who owns things that others want- his frozen food.

1 comment:

  1. I also liked how they held back the joke of the No Choice Cafe and the link to Starbucks hadn't occurred to me beyond the logo similarities. I also hadn't thought of the link between looking for attention and collecting items.
