Friday, March 22, 2013

Never Been Thawed

Where do I even begin with all the absurdities taking place in this film? First of all, I didn't really grasp the point of the film.  Don't get me wrong I found it to be funny, clever and inventive, but overall I don't think I fully understood the just of the film.  This film definitely did not lack humor, the club itself (Mesa Frozen Entree Enthusiast Club) had me laughing out loud.  The seriousness of this club and to its extent made me chuckle a few times after viewing the film.  Also the name of the band (The Christers) had me laughing out loud as well.  Also, the lyrics they sang were very outlandish to say the least.  The fact that these characters in this film collected frozen TV foods is amusing.  Shawn had FOURTEEN freezers in his house.  I found it hilarious when he said if someone was to break in his house and try to steal his most prized frozen dinner (I forgot what one it was) that it would be hard to find.  Which actually, it was in his main freezer above his refrigerator.  One of my favorite parts was the meetings and how intense they got.  They argued over the color the newest frozen dinner entree would be! The discussions at the meetings were so absurd I found myself surprisingly laughing after I viewed the movie.  The discussions ranged from how the hazing of new group members needed to stop all the way from if you were staying for the band performance Shawn asked you to leave then re-enter because the cover fee went to the club.  If I kept talking about the absurdities and bizarre topics in this movie I could go on for days.  So I am going to take a shot in the dark and tell you what I think the overall theme of this movie was.  I think the theme was if you believe in something, don't give up on it.  If your hobby is completely and utterly absurd but you truly love it; then keep doing it! I give kudos to the film because most people in the world probably would laugh if there was a club actually like this, but this club loved what the did and you have to respect them for standing up for what the love and believed in.
Halfway through the movie I was on the fence whether I was going to like the film or not.  But all in all I wold watch it again and surprisingly I would recommend it to someone interested in these types of film.  Never Been Thawed was cleverly done, harsh at most points in the film the overall theme in my opinion is difficult to grasp, but with an open mind I think you can really see what this film was going for.      


  1. I agree!! I really enjoyed this film! It did take me a long time to figure out any of what they were trying to say with it though. I feel like almost every ridiculous or funny thing each character did just added to their personality and helped to prove a point.

  2. i ca totally understand when you saw the plot was hard to grasp because i felt it was filmed like a documentary not a liner movie.
