Friday, March 15, 2013


     If there was a movie out there that was absolutely ridiculous it would be Idiocracy, but this movie did have some very interesting points. It was a satire about the future and society. First, when I saw the trash heap it made me think of Wall-e and maybe they took some of those ideas from this movie. In Wall-e the people lived on a ship because Earth was inhabitable and all of the people became so fat that they had hovering chairs. In this film, some of the ideas are similar. Earth is still partially habitable except all of the people became stupid.

     Realistically, you would think that society would get smarter from all of the evolving technology. In the movie the technology declined. For example, when Joe goes to see a doctor and the lady at the desk trying to help him could not figure out which button to push. That key pad she had looks like a toy that toddlers would use. It was so simple and yet she still could not figure out where to send Joe.

     Another thing was all of the names and advertisement. Like starbucks. It was something about hand Jobs. That just does not make any sense. And fudruckers became something else that I am not even going to type.  A lot of things in this film were contradictory and that is what was criticizing and satirizing in the film.

     Another thing I wanted to add was about their president. I am not sure if I interpreted this correct, but society had always been against having a black president. In the old days, people thought black people were not the most intelligent president. They could not even read, but in the film the president was reading a teleprompter.  So I wonder if the director did this on purpose. One thing I did notice about mis en scene in the film was when the president said he had three reasons that Joe was the guy to help he held up 4 fingers. He goes on through his list on three and when he got to three I was expecting a fourth reason but then remembered that he only said three. If I had not watched his fingers then I would not have reacted the way that I did. 

1 comment:

  1. I always thought that in the future, technology would improve. However, when I was a child, I thought that we would have flying cars soon. Maybe the point is that it improved and we relied on it so much that people stopped trying to improve it even more, so it decayed.
