Sunday, February 10, 2013

Are You Earnest or Aren’t You???

Are You Earnest or Aren’t You???

Who are you really????  The Importance of Being Earnest is unlike the movies we have previously watched.  In it, a rather plain man creates a lie that allows him to go and live a more frivolous life and to get away from his everyday worries.  This movie is unlike the previous movies that we have watched because the humor and satire in The Importance of Being Earnest is not slapstick or necessarily laughs out loud humor.  However, instead the humor is more set towards the irony of the story as the plot unfolds.            
I found myself really enjoying this movie more than the previous three simply because it was more of a clever plot and it really took though processes to create such a fun story of love, fortune, and human nature.  I was laughing more as certain things occurred and unfolded in the movie that really wouldn’t be all that funny, however, if you follow the storyline the situational irony is quite comical.  For instance as the two men, Jack and Algernon have both lied to make their lives more appealing it truly comes back to bite them in the butt.  Both of their fiancés end up finding out that they have been lied to.  From here the story unfolds fairly quickly and they way it seems to work out as highly unfortunate is quite comical.  For instance the women find out about the lies and then give the men the silent treatment.  This is going toward women having had more authority than that of the men.  Even Algy’s aunt has quite an authoritative personality that really commands respect.  When the two women find out, they give the men the silent treatment and Algy and Jack seem to become continuously more unfortunate as time went on. In the end however, the misfortunes end up equalizing and creating a very comical ending simply because it all works out for everyone.   
Knowing who you are and where you come from are key to determining just what your secrets are and if you are in fact a different person.  After having lied about his name being Earnest, Jack then was discovered to be lying and in the end, he states that his name was indeed to be Earnest.  Also another bonus to this movie was all of the rather larger actors and actresses.  I would highly recommend this film to anyone simply because the plot is so fun to watch divulge and end up really screwing up life’s’ of the main characters.  The acting isn’t bad and the story is constantly changing each time we move it about.  Again, going back to the acting, it wasn’t annoying where there were things that were obviously thrown horribly into the movie to make you laugh, but instead the humor in the movie is more developmental and takes a minute to think about why a certain part of this movie is quite entertaining.  In the end, the story ends happily for everyone.    The man that had lied about his name being Earnest; gained a fiancé because of the name, her finding out his real name, disowning him, followed by him ensuring that his name is in fact Earnest, which is just part of the overall plot theme.  It truly is exciting to watch the plot unfold and then resolving itself.


  1. I don't really know if I am earnest or not haha but I really like your analysis of this film. I totally agree the humor and satire took a while to form, but all in all the film was clever and fun to watch.

  2. I agree that the movie had a lot more plot than the previous 3.

  3. I totally agree with "Knowing who you are and where you come from are key to determining just what your secrets are and if you are in fact a different person." I belief this quote sums up a lot of what this movie has to offer.

  4. Given the American propensity for re-invention, I think it's interesting that you mention knowing where you come from is important to discovering your own secrets and if you are a different person. Jack does lie at the very end about his name actually being Ernest, in this film version; in the original play, it is left as if he isn't lying about his biological father actually being named Ernest.
