Sunday, February 10, 2013

Oh to be Ernest!

Oh how can you be anyone but Ernest! This story is twisted beyond belief. As we start our story we meet two mid age/ young men. The first we meet is a city man by the name of Algy. In this first accouter we see him running form some type of authorities. From this we can derive that he is a rambunctious man that takes action quickly and without hesitation. The second man we meet (Jack) is one of royalty and well dignified. These two men are best friend and have always been there for each other.  Now these two brothers are in means of escape. Algy lives in the city but deeply desires to be in the country. Dear Jack lives in the country and needs the excitement of the city life. So with this conundrum in hand they both devised a concoction, this being that they pretended that they had a brother giving them an escape. Algy had a sick Mr. Bunbury that he must constantly give his attention.  Jack had Ernest that presides in the city. The ruse became quite useful for the both of them.
                Jack would always go into the city hunting for the nightlife. In this he meets a woman of great royalty. Gwendolyn was the women and she fell madly in love with Ernest. Ernest being the persona that Jack put on in the city.  How is there in drama in that, well it gets better. Gwendolyn’s mother is on of extreme sovereigns and has very high standards for the man who would betroth her daughter. So Ernest/Jack must go through an extensive interview with Gwendolyn’s mother Augusta. Which in turn he does not pass, but his love for Gwendolyn is unfailing. Jack retires to his country side to get his mind about him.
                 Algy is Gwendolyn’s cousin and has a good relationship with her. Algy need his escape devises this plan to become Jacks brother and head out to the countryside to meet Jacks ward. This ward is the young sweet Cecily.  Algy meets the young Cecily and they fall madly in love. This is where the pan goes haywire. Both Cecily and Gwendolyn meet and figure out that the two men were lying about who they really are. With this turn of events the two ladies give them the silent treatment.  With this silent treatment the men must win their hearts back. They do so with ease to say the least. Then Lady Augusta shows up to the countryside to retrieve her daughter. She will not allow her daughter to marry Jack because he is not worthy and has no recollection of who his parents are. In a weird turn of event s Jack comes to find out that he is actually Algy’s real brother and all get married.
In this movie there is plenty of comic relief. The first I found was Cecily always had this dream world where the knight in shining armor would always come save her for her boring studies. This is a sign of immaturity and always a play on all the fairytales we hear. Notice that before she meets Algy the Knight always has his helmet on (no face to be seen). Once she has fallen in love with him he is in the armor with his helmet off. Then after he makes her mad the helmet is back on to show that she did not see him as her “Knight in shining” armor anymore.  Also Gwendolyn has a way with words. She uses her vocabulary to describe sex without even saying it. She even at one point describes her anger in such a caring manner.  
Overall I loved this movie and I would recommend its twisted story to anyone!


  1. Gwendolen does have a way with words. I kind of saw it but didn't completely realize it.

  2. I hadnt noticed the metaphor of the knights helmet yet!!! I did realize how her day dreams played toward her immaturity and desires of a knight in shinning armor, however, the helmet is a very good detail to pick up on!!!
