Saturday, February 2, 2013

Monty Python's life of Rhetoric

        First, I would like to address that this movie was good to watch if you have not read or heard anything about it. At least, that is how I prefer to watch movies. I am sure that if I had read reviews, I would not think the same of the movie or expect too much from it. Also, I know this is suppose to be a comedic film but it took me well past half way to start laughing at anything. Most of the time I was just scratching the back of my head because I did not get any of the references or jokes.
The first thing I would like to point out is the gender roles. In the beginning, I did not understand why the mother was played by a man. After watching the film, I realize that it would not have been the same if it was played by a woman. Also on that note, in the movie I guess its woman’s right to want to have babies, which I though was interesting. A male character decided that he wanted to be a woman because he wanted to have babies and that because he was a man it was not a right to have babies. That was a little interesting. A man can have a baby. All he needs to do is find a nice lad and mate with her.
Another thing that stood out in the film was a couple of arguments. The beginning scene in the coliseum, a man was about to die and he said’ “I think I am about to have a cardiac arrest”.  It made me think to myself and say, "WHAT was that ?" I don’t think people knew was cardiac arrest meant back in that time frame. The fact that character said cardiac arrest made that scene funny.  A scene after that, Brian was painting words on a building. The guard came out and first interrogated on what he was writing and then was telling him how to write and conjugate properly. This scene was particularly funny because the people know what the word cardiac arrest but they don’t know something as simple as conjugation. That is just a contradiction and does not make sense.
The last thing that stuck out at me was when Brian was having an argument with the swarm of followers by trying to convince them that they are their own being and they can do whatever they want. The swarm of people are not listening, which makes that scene quite funny because they are trying to use rhetoric against him and pin him in his argument. The mother does this as well and that makes this scene just as funny because a whole swarm of people are answering and responding at the same time to both characters. What are the chances of that happening, which is funny because here the writer uses rhetoric effectively in trying to make is point in the arguments in that particular scene.
Overall, the movie was funny, but I would not put it on my list of movies to watch again. The one thing that I will say is there is a lot of good rhetoric in this film and that is what makes it enjoyable.


  1. I really like the point you made about the men in the movie and how they seem to say it is only the woman's right to have babies. I don't think I would have considered that.

  2. This movie is a really good mix of historical, religious, and modern day jokes. I have seen this movie before and many other works of Monty Python, a group of comedians, and I think watching it for the first time without any background information would be difficult. The movie is much easier to understand when you are well versed in the things of the Bible, as I am.

  3. Agreed, Sara. There are times when going in blind is great; I STRONGLY recommend that approach for anyone who has not yet seen "Harold and Maude." This film has a lot of topical humor, though, so some idea of what these situations entailed is helpful. You don't need a strong theological background, though; a little is enough.

  4. I agree with you about watching this movie without reading any reviews. From what the reviews said I thought the movie was going to be completely different. During the whole movie I was waiting to see if it was going to be what I expected which distracted me from what was actually happening.

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