Sunday, February 17, 2013

The gods must be crazy

            I found this movie hard for me to watch because it was just boring. It just seemed all over the place. The humor is mixed with slapstick and intellectual humor. This is probably why so may of the reviews said there is humor for everyone.
            With the mix of humor it really set the pace of the movie. During the slapstick humor like when the scientist is driving his jeep with no brakes, then has the conflict of opening and closing gates while his jeep is running moved forward or roles backward. At first, this scene seemed to go by fast since it was amusing to watch how he had to jump off his jeep to open the gate, let it role by, quickly close the gate then run to jump into it. Or place a rock behind the tire to keep it from rolling down hill. But it just got annoying and boring as it kept happening over and over. It felt like someone was saying, “wait I have more so please stay and watch”. Some things are only funny once and when you constantly repeat it hoping to get another laugh it looses it touch. Also his awkwardness towards the teacher, at first it was funny, but soon lost its touch. The humor is gone and time to move on.
            The intellectual humor for me was more enjoyable than the slapstick humor. Although I really liked Modern Times slapstick humor, the humor in this movie was just not that great. The mixed use of humor to me either sped up the scene or slowed it down. Which made it difficult to keep my attention on the movie. I honestly do not remember most of the scenes. Humor can be presented in different ways, I just think this movie could have presented it better then it did. 

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